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Infertility consultation/treatment

Infertility consultation

The burden of infertility treatment is not only financial, but also the physical burden of treatment and hospital visits, as well as the mental burden caused by the lack of sufficient understanding and awareness of infertility and infertility treatment among those around you. can never be taken lightly.

There are many causes of infertility. Main factors for men include low sperm count and motility (spermogenic dysfunction) and problems with erection and ejaculation (sexual dysfunction). Occasionally, there is also a rare condition called obstructive azoospermia, where sperm are produced in the testicles but are not released into the semen.

Causes of infertility in women include ovulatory factors, fallopian tube factors, cervical factors, immune factors, endometriosis, and diseases such as thyroid dysfunction. In about 10% of cases, the cause is unknown.

Although there are fewer items compared to female infertility, there is a 48% chance that the cause is in the man, including cases in which the cause is not only in the man but also in both sexes, with a nearly 50/50 ratio between the sexes. Even after years of infertility treatment from a young age, when the husband's tests are conducted and the cause is found after only the wife has been involved in testing and treatment for a long period of time, the wife may have difficulty conceiving due to age-related reasons. It is important for couples to work together in fertility treatment, rather than delaying testing for the man.

Infertility treatment

There are two types of infertility treatments:
● General infertility treatment

● Advanced assisted reproductive technology

General infertility treatment...

There are two types of therapy: timing therapy, which predicts the date of ovulation and guides the timing of marital life, and artificial insemination, which artificially sends sperm into the uterus according to the timing of ovulation and expects pregnancy. 

Advanced assisted reproductive technology...

There are two types of therapy: in vitro fertilization, in which eggs and sperm are mixed and fertilized by natural forces, and microfertilization, in which a single sperm is injected directly into the egg under a microscope.

"General infertility treatment" such as artificial insemination, and "assisted reproductive technology" such as in vitro fertilization and microinsemination are now covered by insurance. There are some restrictions, so please call or visit the counter for details.

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